Statement regarding the status of Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at U-M

April 12, 2013

Several inaccurate media reports have appeared regarding the status of the Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship student organization at the University of Michigan. The Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was not “kicked off campus,” as some news reports have stated.

All registered student organizations at U-M are required to complete the annual re-registration process by September 30. The Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship did not meet the deadline, so their re-registration was delayed.

As of February, Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship completed the re-registration process, and is a recognized student organization. They have agreed to the University’s policies and satisfied all required procedural steps.

U-M works directly with all student organizations, including the Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, to help them be successful on campus.

Free speech and diversity, including religious diversity, are core principles at U-M. We value the existence of the Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, along with the other 69 faith-based student organizations at U-M. Their existence and their voices add significantly to our academic community and support those students who find solace, camaraderie and guidance in their presence.

– Kelly Cunningham, U-M spokesperson

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