As a public institution, the University has some obligation to permit members of the news media reasonable access to campus spaces. However, the University also has the power to regulate access to campus in order to carry out our educational, research and related functions; to protect the safety and well-being of members of our community and visitors to our campus; to protect the privacy of students, their families and others for whom the campus represents their place of residence; and to protect the privacy of student academic records and other records as required by or permitted under state and federal laws.
The following represent guidelines for allowing or restricting representatives of the news media onto property and into buildings owned or controlled by the University of Michigan. For the purposes of this document, “media” is defined to include any individual or group conducting interviews, making audio or video recordings, or capturing photographic images, for purposes of dissemination to the public via commercial or noncommercial news and information outlets, including the Internet. A separate, detailed policy exists for collection of material for commercial, non-news use such as film production, advertising, and sale of products.
In specific situations, decisions about access to property may be made by representatives of the Department of Public Safety or other safety officials, Facilities and Operations, the Office of Communications, or other senior administrators as appropriate. When in doubt, you are encouraged to seek guidance from these offices.
Some general guidelines include:
- Vehicles must be parked in legal spaces and must display the appropriate permit, if required. Parking arrangements may be made and permits obtained through Parking & Transportation Services, News Service, or the Athletic Department.
- Equipment must not damage University property.
- Equipment, vehicles and personnel must not restrict the flow of traffic nor access to buildings or portions of buildings, and may not impede fire lanes.
- Additional restrictions may be placed on equipment including television cameras, still cameras, flashes and other special lighting, and audio equipment in order to minimize disruption to campus events and activities or to address safety or security concerns. In instances where security is an issue, items may be subject to inspection.
Members of the news media are generally allowed free access to the following campus venues and spaces, subject to the general guidelines above:
- In any building or portion of a building which is open to the public, during public hours.
- Inside any event to which admission is free and open to the public (such as lectures and forums) or to which the individual is a paid ticketholder. However, restrictions may be placed on use and location of cameras, lights, flashes and other equipment in order to minimize disruption of the event. Advance notice or media credentials may be required in some instances.
- In public, outdoor areas of campus such as the Diag, Palmer Field, Ingalls Mall, North Campus Diag, etc.
- In public parking areas provided vehicles are parked legally and the flow of traffic is not restricted.
Media are not allowed in the following locations without express permission from an administrative authority and/or an officially designated University escort:
- Hospital and medical clinical areas where patients are being treated, including the University Health Service, and the waiting areas of such clinics; similarly, any locations where confidential counseling is taking place.
- Residential areas including the interior of any residence hall and apartment buildings controlled by the University. This includes common areas of residential facilities such as lounges, dining halls and community centers. Access also may be restricted to courtyards, sidewalks, patios, adjacent parking lots and other spaces immediately adjacent to private residences and apartments where necessary to reasonably protect residents from unwarranted intrusion. Individual residents who wish to invite members of the news media into shared residential space, such as to their room within a residence hall, must provide advance notification to appropriate Housing staff.
- Athletic venues including Michigan Stadium, Crisler Arena, Yost Fieldhouse, University golf courses, etc., unless the individual is a paid ticketholder.
- Inside the private offices or research labs of faculty, staff, administrators and student employees.
- Inside a classroom when class is in session.
- Inside libraries, museums or other areas where quiet study is enforced or where collections might be endangered by media activity or equipment.
- Inside any venue where admission is charged, unless the individual is a paid ticketholder. In the latter instance, members of the media must abide by the standard expectations of behavior for any ticketholder.
- Inside private functions which are not open to the public, such as dinners, receptions, etc.
- Inside any University facilities where the general public is not permitted, such as the North Campus Transfer Facility, Central Power Plant, Department of Public Safety, maintenance and repair facilities, etc.
- Any location on campus, indoor or outdoor, which has been labeled a crime scene or is deemed to be hazardous or unsafe. Such locations should be marked and secured by appropriate safety personnel.
These lists are not exhaustive, and additional guidelines may be established as necessary according to the general principles noted above.
For those outside of the media who wish to film on campus, please visit the film and video guidelines section of the Filming on Campus website.
Images for media use
Members of the news media may use the following selection of campus images. Please credit University of Michigan.